Peyronies  Disease Treatment
Bent Penis Surgery & Penis Curvature Correction

Bent Penis Curvature Correction: Ventro-Lateral Peyronie's

Complex ventrolateral penis curvature correction is an excellent Peyronie's treatment after the disease has stabilized for a period of time.

The eight bent penis photos below include Peyronie's disease photos before intervention and the final result six months after penis surgery. The tremendous improvement show by these Peyronie's surgery photos is perhaps best demonstrated by the video lower on this page. Ventrol-lateral penis curvature this extreme means sex and Peyronies are at odds with each other. All bent penis pictures can be enlarged to full-screen size in a new window by clicking.

Peyronies disease Bent Penis Penis Surgery Penis Curvature Correction Fixing Penis Curvature Peyronie's Disease Treatment Peyronie's Treatment : photos of penis after Peyronies surgery

Surgical grafting using geometric calculations of curve and graft (“Perovic Peyronie's Treatment”) is affordable, includes grafting material, requires only three hours of surgery and two nights hospital stay with five days total time in Belgrade.

Package price fee for: 1) patients who have had previous operations by other doctors; or 2) men with infections or other complications varies according to the case and costs slightly more, but not much.

Grafting plus implantation of a semi-rigid penile prosthesis (because the patient already has erectile dysfunction) costs about 15% more than the basic procedure, including grafting material, takes 3½ hours of surgery, requires two nights in hospital and 5-7 days total in Belgrade. Implant cost is never included in the surgical fee.

Grafting plus implantation of an inflatable penile prosthesis (because the patient already has ED), costs nearly 29% more than the basic procedure, including grafting material, takes four hours of surgery, requires 3-4 nights in hospital and 5-7 days total time in Belgrade. Implant cost is NOT included in the surgical fee. Implant manufacturers set implant prices country-by-country and it is not within the surgeon's control. The AMS 700 MS CX (or LGX or CXR) inflatable penile implant with the InhibiZone Antibiotic Surface Treatment which impregnates antibiotics into the tissue-contacting surfaces of the penile prosthesis is recommended.

Visits to Belgrade by patients are well organized and streamlined. Dr Perovic's surgical fees are package prices that include everything except the cost of your hotel and airfare, extra food not provided by the hospital, and any activities not related to the surgery. Patients are picked up at the airport by Dr Perovic's driver and taken back to the airport when it is time to return home. There is no charge for the medical facility. Nice hotels near the medical facility start at Euros 50 to 60 per night.

Complex Ventro-Lateral Penis Curvature Correction

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